Please use this form to let us know what book(s) you have read for this challenge in May. The giveaway is only for May, so please enter by midnight May 31st (central time) for a chance to win.
I'm happy to report that I have two giveaways this month! Anybody who reads at least one book is ellligable for both giveaways.
The first one is for Following Polly by Karen Bergreen. I haven't read anything by
Karen Bergreen before but Following Polly sounds good and I thought cozy readers would enjoy it.
The second one is for Flowerbed of State by Dorothy St. James. This is another Berkley release and since the publisher is offering this book for review, I'm once again allowing readers an extra entry if they read at least one book for this challenge (for this month) from the same publisher. So..get out your Berkley Prime Crime, Signet, and Obsidian series and get reading!
Only the first two pieces of the form are required, the rest are optional. However, if you do enter the giveaway please include a mailing address so I can give it to the publishers once a winner is selected.